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  • Yarn/Fiber

The Woolmark Discovery

The nights are still chilly, and though the weather can be unpredictable during the day, the number of warm days is gradually increasing. It feels like spring is just around the corner!

The other day, while wearing my usual knitwear, I suddenly noticed a logo mark that was different from the typical laundry care symbols. It caught my attention, so I decided to look it up.

And here it is…

Do You Know About the Woolmark?

The Woolmark was introduced in 1964 by wool-producing countries to symbolize the high quality of wool products. It was created to enhance the image of wool as a premium material with excellent properties.

This mark represents not only wool’s natural benefits—such as heat retention, moisture absorption and release, elasticity, and water repellency—but also the ongoing efforts to improve wool products through technological advancements and fashion innovation.

Today, strict certification tests are required to obtain the Woolmark. What started in 20 countries in 1964 has now expanded to over 140 countries, where the Woolmark is recognized as a sign of high-quality wool.

Different Types of Woolmark

The Woolmark certification varies depending on the wool content:

(“New wool” refers to wool that has been freshly sheared from sheep.)

The Wool Eco Cycle Project

Have you heard of the Wool Eco Cycle Project? This initiative aims to reduce waste and promote the effective reuse of resources.

Through this project, unwanted Woolmark-certified garments that have been sitting in drawers or closets can be collected and repurposed into materials for greening projects, oil absorbents, construction materials, and more.

Learning about this made me rethink the idea of simply “holding onto something important without throwing it away.” Even if the form of an item changes through recycling, its value can still live on. With a shift in perspective, I realized that we can continue to use and appreciate wool in different ways for a long time.

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